
Our Top 5 Apps for Teens

We are not going to speak about adolescent age now. Of course, teens can be uncontrolled and unfocused and the “messy room” syndrome is well known as an attempt to live on their own terms. Experts recommend to survive this period.

But in addition to psychological reasons, there is a quite clear explanation of young people’s disarray: this is a natural part of growth change, which a young person cannot cope with easily. She has to deal with new rules, plenty of tasks, a tough schedule of activities, an increased number of people to communicate. This new reality requires to behave in a more mature way and there is no sufficient experience.

Follow Routine Easily

In order to compensate for disorganization, we highly recommend using mobile applications. It is quite possible to remove anxiety, not to be overwhelmed and exhausted. Modern products make teens organized and, as a result, they start studying better, have a sound sleep and form their stable personal habits: responsibility, accuracy, readiness, and more.

Moreover, technology suggests challenges and develops useful skills in an easy and playful manner. There are even homework apps. In fact, you can be lost in that wide diversity, and we are going to narrow the search and represent some popular and reliable products which are definitely worth your attention.


evernote app screen

One of the most required applications for teens is Evernote. They even call it a second brain due to its diverse and smart tools allowing to arrange issues du jour. It is created with a focus on visual comprehension and is packed with very useful options. You can take notes with it, create lists, scan in handwritten papers with your camera, make sketches, and more. All important papers will be properly arranged and kept always within reach on your mobile device. 

It will be difficult to lose an essential document from now on. The files are stored in folders. There is a simple and efficient searching system. You are suggested to use keywords to find what you need at the moment regardless of the format: whether it is typed or written, an image or a text. The app provides reliable protection of data. It runs in a fast and smooth way. In addition, you can use a browser extension on a computer and mobile application on the go simultaneously. The content is synchronized easily and accessible on any device with iPhone and Android operating systems.


ihomework app screen

This application is good for school work. Download iHomework to stay the best in this activity. It allows to perform the tasks easy, to enter class schedule, contacts, and more. If you want, you can attach syllabus. The app allows to track all tests, assignments, and any information that matters including grades. It is very convenient to plan out a schedule for a day or any period, set reminders and get a notification in time. If there is a need, you can take a weekly or monthly view to ensure that you are ready for all coming events. This stunning tool is available only for iPhone. If you have an Android device, try its alternative – iStudiez.


streaks app screen

Now it is high time to develop good habits with the help of Streaks created exactly for teens to learn to be organized. We would say that it delivers a simple and almost addicting way to track your goals and understand whether you complete the challenges and achieve the results. You can view the time left to perform some work. That helps to stay concentrated on those specific tasks. It is good not only for studying, it is also very useful for building healthy habits. It will make you more responsible. You will keep your rooms and any space around clean, do homework on time, learn a specified amount each day. It is available both for iOS and Android.


30/30 app screen

This marvelous application is not large and complicated. Its purpose is to teach users to stay on-task, when business before pleasure. You will learn to balance study and rest. And that could be not so easy as it seems without external help. There are mates which always will tempt to join them for a walk. Here the application comes. 

You are suggested to enter tasks and to-do lists into the app. In order to classify them in accordance with urgency, importance, or class, you should apply color-coding. When it is time, select a task and spend your efforts to perform during a given time. The app counts down that time and suggests the time for a break. You can adjust these ratios but default settings are 30/30. This is a healthy balance between free and homework time making you forget about procrastination. The app can be used only on the iPhones. For Android devices there is Do Now with similar functions.

Plan It Do It Check It Off

Plan It Do It Check It Off app screen

And at last, we would like to offer you Plan It Do It Check It Off. The application is based on visual perception providing pictures and images for time arrangement. It looks like Instagram a little bit. You can customize the app as you like, add audio and follow your task list without failures and delays. There are features suited for teens with learning disabilities. You can use this app only on iPhone.

It Really Works

There are really a lot of apps developed to help teens with the organization of their life. With them, you are able to train important skills and follow routines easily and with pleasure. When you use them, you become successful and taken seriously by people around you. You can select several of them and benefit from their functionality. 

We suppose that you definitely should pay your attention to some visual schedulers, calendaring and storyboarding apps. Almost any software can be customized. You are offered to add stories, events, contacts, and activities that are essential in your life. And be sure that they help you to complete work on time, to create plans and to follow them. You will change your mind and become more reliable and responsible. 

Don’t be confused and disarrayed! Download the above applications on your mobile devices and keep your everyday life under control without parental attention.

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